Staffordshire Terrier Financing

Looking for a Staffordshire Terrier? Don’t be limited to just breeders that finance. Let help you get a cash loan offer for puppy financing. Shop any breeder you like. How much do you expect to spend?

A Staffordshire Terrier or Pit Bull purchased with financing.

Financing Your Pit Bull

It is more common than you think to finance a Staffordshire Terrier, also commonly referred to as a Pit Bull. We can help you get an offer for the money that you need, even if you have no credit or bad credit. This is possible because we are not lenders. Instead, we get put you in front of a larger group of online lenders. With more lenders you have more chances of getting a yes from one of them.

Here is how it works.

  • First, you need to fill out the quote form at the top of the page. Enter in how much you expect to need and then some basic information about yourself. You will also need to enter in where you want your loan money sent.
  • Once you complete the form, you can submit it to the lender group and wait for your answer. If approved, one of the lenders in the group will make you an offer and you will be able to review it on their website.
  • Now, all that is left is to make a decision. If you like the loan offer, you can accept it and have money in your account as soon as the next day. Then, you can shop for your Staffordshire Terrier or Pit Bull at any breeder that you like.

Pretty easy right? Go ahead and get started now so that you can start shopping for your new pet.

Shopping For Your Staffordshire Terrier

If you decided to accept a financing offer, you can now start shopping for your new Pit Bull puppy. Since your lender will deposit cash into your account, you have a big advantage. You can shop for your puppy as a cash buyer and use any breeder that you like.

Here are some things to keep in mind.

  • You need to be choosey on your breeder. This is a breed where there are a lot of “backyard breeders”. Most of them have good intentions but lack experience. A good breeder does not over breed their Dam and is careful to screen their dogs for genetic defects.
  • Choose the sex carefully. Male dogs tend to be a bit more aggressive and larger than females. Also, if you intend to have 2 puppies, get one of each as they will be less likely to fight.
  • Make sure that this is a breed for you. Your puppy will be around for 10 to 15 years, so it is a big commitment.

Is A Pit Bull For You?

Not every breed is right for every person. Some like the strength and loyalty of a Staffordshire Terrier but others might not be well suited to be a Pit owner. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Pit Bulls Can Be Aggressive

Pit Bull owners will be quick to point out that any dog can be aggressive, but statistics do not lie. Put Bulls are statistically more likely to bite either a human or another dog. This means that socializing your puppy will be of particular importance. They need to realize that not every person and not every dog is a threat. If you are not willing to put in the time, you may be better off financing a golden retriever.

Pit Bulls Are Restricted

The Staffordshire Terrier is commonly referred to as an aggressive breed. This means that they are likely on restricted lists. If you rent, you might find it hard to find a place that can accept them. Even if you own a home, you might find them banned by some HOA’s and some cities have even banned them entirely.

Pit Bulls Can Be Stubborn

A little Staffordshire Terrier puppy that doesn’t want to listen can be cute at times, but wait until they are 80 pounds of pure muscle. You need to take the time to train your puppy right from the start and then continually reinforce it. If you don’t, you will live to regret it.

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