Need French Bulldog financing? Let us help you get a cash loan offer for the financing you need. Then, shop any breeder you like as a cash buyer. How much do you expect to spend?

A French Bulldog puppy looking up at its owner.

We Can Help You Get Financing

At, we help you get financing for French Bulldog puppies by getting you access to a large network of online lenders. More lenders means more chances of getting an approved offer fast.

In the pet business, if you are looking for a direct lender, that means a pet shop in most cases. Pet shops are the last place that you want to turn, especially if you are looking for a French Bulldog which can be hard to come by.

When you get an offer from our website for pet financing, you become a cash buyer because your lender will deposit money directly into your account. That means that you do not have to deal with a pet shop with their limited selection, questionable quality and high prices. Instead, you can work directly with a breeder. It allows you to get the dog you want at a better price.

Most breeders do not like working with finance companies because of the hassle and they do not need to. There are enough people looking for pure bred animals that they can stick with just the cash buyers.

In the case of French Bulldogs, litters are often sold before they are even born. The only way to get one is to put down a cash deposit far ahead of time. An installment loan that gives you cash in your checking account will let you do just that.

Getting Your Payment Plan Offer

Now, let’s take a look at what you need to do in order to get your pet financing offer. It is a very simple process to get a payment plan for a Frenchie puppy and most people can wrap it up in just a few minutes.

First, you need to fill out the quote form which is located at the top of the page. Enter in how much you expect to need for your puppy and then your contact information and information about how you get your income. You will also enter a checking account number because this is how your lender will send you the money if you accept an offer.

When you are done filling out your form, you need to agree to the terms of service. Make sure that you read it, because this type of legal information is important.

After you agree to the TOS, you can submit your form and off it goes securely to the network of lenders. The form is encrypted and the website is secure, to protect you and your information. Once at the network, if approved, one of the lenders will make you an offer.

After being approved, you will be directed to the lender offering you financing for your French Bulldog. There, you can review the details of your offer and make a decision.

If you have agreed to your offer, your lender will get to work getting you the money that you need. They will then electronically deposit it into your checking account. That is why you had to enter bank numbers in the quote form. Once you have your money, you can do with it as you please.

Why Choose Professional Breeders?

There is a big difference between a professional breeder and a backyard breeder. Here is why you should choose a professional breeder over a backyard breeder or even a pet store.


Professional breeders are interested in the breed over the dollar. They want to do everything to make sure that their puppies are properly cared for and go to a good home.


Good breeders are committed to their puppies and many will even make you sign a pet contract. While you might not think a contract is necessary, it shows their level of dedication. In general, a contract will state that among other things, if you can no longer care for your puppy, you should return them and they will care for it.


A health guarantee is only offered by the most confident of breeders. It means that they have screened their animals for genetic defects and have bred them to the highest health standards.

Is A French Bulldog For You

There is no doubt about it, a French Bulldog is cute. That being said, they may not be for everyone. Before you commit to your financing, take a minute to consider if this is the right breed for you.

If you are looking for a lap dog that is very chill, they make a good choice. Frenchies are not extremely active, nor are they vocal. Besides the fact that they will always be near you , you might forget they are there. They love their people though and if loyalty and low maintenance is what you desire, they might be a good choice.

On the flip side of things, if you want a dog that is playful and active, this is probably not the choice for you. If that is what you are looking for, consider financing a Chihuahua. Because of their short little legs and snout structure, activity is just not their thing. Frenchies still need exercise, but they will tire out very quickly.

Last, when determining if a French Bulldog is for you, think about if you will have enough time for your new dog. Sure, these are chill little doggies but they still need attention in love. If you travel frequently or work long hours, dogs in general might not be the thing for you. You do not want to buy a Frenchie just to keep it in boarding all the time, or worse yet, a kennel.

Is A Loan For You

Just because you get an offer for financing does not mean that you should accept it. This is especially true if you have bad credit as the terms can be hard to handle on some of these loans. Before you commit to that loan and get your heart set on that French Bulldog, here are some things to consider.

Is the cost of the loan too high?

Add up the total cost of your loan and figure out in your head if the cost is worth it. Everyone will have a different number here, so  determine what yours is. If the Frenchie is going to cost 3000 dollars to buy but 6000 dollars to finance, is that a worthwhile expense? You tell me.

Will you have trouble making the payment?

Finally, can you afford to make the payment on your French Bulldog financing? If you have a written budget, add in the potential payment and make sure that you have enough money. Don’t get yourself in financial trouble for a puppy.

Besides the loan payment, you should also consider the cost of taking care of your new puppy. First year vet costs alone can top 1000 dollars. Add to that the cost of food, bedding, treats and toys. If you plan to vacation, also consider the cost of boarding.